and welcome to Kitty Care Tips, the web's best site authority on
caring for your furry little friend! All ideas are mine, stemming
from years of experience of caring for over 20 cats. Right now,
Amiri Baraka is the only cat living with me but back when JD was
living with me(he and Baraka don't get along too well, so he is
now staying with my Mom, who spoils him), they they both had agreed
to help me demonstrate some of these phenomenally innovative kitty
care tips.

says: Meow.

says: Reow!
ready for Kitty Care Tips, let's roll!!!
you are an absolute idiot, you already know not to actually try
any of this stuff at home. Baraka, JD and I are trained professionals:
They are professional cats and I am a professional idiot. NONE
of the following actually harmed Baraka or JD in any manor, but
their bites and scratches did some work on me; I'll be filing a
suit against them soon. If you have any questions or need more
info, read the Kitty Care Tips FAQ.
This does not advocate ANY violence against cats or ANY animal.
In fact, if I find out you are hurting ANY animal, I will FUCK