is property of Lobotomy Software, Inc. and Playmates Interactive
Entertainment, all rights reserved. Please don't sue me...
hired Don LeFontaine to be the narrator for the story and as the
voice of King Ramses. You may know him from almost every damn
movie preview you have ever heard.} |
the time of the pharaohs, the city of Karnak was a shining example
of a civilization that all others nations could only hope to emulate.
Today Karnak lives on, surrounded by the spirits of the past,
however something has gone terribly wrong. |
PC version of PowerSlave was slammed by every reviewer who played
it. They said it was tired and had already been done countless
times. Using a modified version of 3D Realms' BUILD engine, Lobotomy
created the vast and beautiful world of Karnak and its surrounding
areas, that, at times was more focused on exploration rather than
straight out killing. Being so brain dead, playing countless hours
of Doom, the PC reviewers couldn't grasp that, thus the slamming
ensued...} |
forces have seized the city and great turmoil is spreading into
neighboring lands. World leaders from all parts of the globe have
sent forces into Karnak Valley, but none have returned. The great
power of this new empire is quickly crushing the best the human
world has to offer. |
three versions of PowerSlave are quite different. The PC
has the
largest levels, effects and enemies. The Saturn version has an
amazing lightsourcing effect, larger levels than the PSX
and the first Death Tank game in it. The PSX version has slightly
smaller levels, but is MUCH harder than both the PC and
versions, plus can run at up to 60fps.} |
only known information about this crisis came from a Karnak villager,
found wandering through the desert miles from his home, dazed,
dehydrated and close to death. In his final moments among the
living, the villager told horrifying stories of fierce alien creatures
that invaded the city, devoured the women and children, and made
slaves of the men. Many of the unfortunate victims were skinned
alive or brutally dismembered. Others were subjected to unbearable
tortures, injected with strange substances and then mummified
while still alive. According to the villager, even the mummified
body of the great King Ramses was unearthed and taken away. |
Saturn version of PowerSlave contained the first "Death Tank"
game. A lot like Scorched Earth, but in realtime, Death Tank was
a 6 player(simultaneously) death fest. It's successor, Death Tank
Zwei was included on the Duke Nukem 3D disc for Saturn. It added
new weapons, modes and up to 7 players simultaneously. It is,
by far, the BEST multiplayer game of all time.} |
was this game that caught Sega of America's eye when they were
searching for a developer to port Duke Nukem 3D and Quake onto
the Saturn. Though, not their first choice, the gods a Lobotomy
proved to SOA that their "Slave Driver" engine was superior
to all others.} |
have been chosen from a group of the best operatives in the world
to infiltrate Karnak and destroy the threatening forces, but as
your helicopter nears the Karnak Valley, it is shot down. You
barely escape with your life. |
will notice that various other great adventurers were also sent
in by the government. From left to right, they are: Rambo, some
blonde, butch chick(sorry, have no clue on her), Indiana Jones,
your character, Snake Eyes and Duke Nukem.} |
no possible contact to the outside world, you begin your adventure,
ready to accomplish your mission...praying to return alive... |
to most, but beknownst to us[sorry, a little Spaceballs humor
there], the Team Dolls were the games' biggest secret. Put in
at the last moment, they were the key to unlocking Death Tank.
There are 23 Team Dolls hidden in both the Saturn and PSX versions
of PowerSlave.} |
to download the intro audio from the PC version of the game. This
intro is actually different from the Saturn and Playstation versions(which
is what the above text was taken from). |
PC |
Playstation |
Saturn |
to 4 players on a network, largest levels of the three versions,
more effects(like turning into a mummy), and overall, a very different
game from the Saturn/PSX versions. |
that can climb up to a silky smooth 60fps at times, smaller levels
than the Saturn version, some entirely new maps, different team
doll locations, much harder than PC or Saturn versions. To view
the GameFan review, click here. |
lightsourcing technique, constant 30 fps framerate, larger levels
than PSX version, team doll hunts, Death Tank, the easiest
the three versions.
To see the GameFan Preview for Saturn PowerSlave, click here
for page one or here
for page two. |
Import |
To see the only two published ads for PowerSlave, click
here for
the full ad,
and here for the teaser.
Here's a promotional poster for the game: Side
A and Side
B. |
Import |
not seen, nor played this version on either system. Have heard
it's the exact same thing, except for the name. |
like the American Saturn version, but with Japanese voice and
text. |

Having problems making it through Karnak? Can't find those goddamn
Team Dolls?
Maybe the spiders or skeletons can help...