Electronics Arts
Developer: Electronic Arts
Size: 8 Megs
No. of players: 1
Official Ad: Yes
Got it for: Christmas! Wow, nothing like hardcore violence
on Christmas day! |
wizard Mordamir, your old master, has recently disappeared. Tracing his
last known location has led you to the ancient city of Erinoch where
you embark on your quest to save him.
What's it all about?
It's an adventure game set in two basic parts: The 3/4's view dungeon crawling
scenes and the one on one fight scenes. You basically make your way around
the dungeon, picking up items and solving puzzles, then fighting any enemies
you may encounter. The fights consist of you dodging and countering enemy
attacks as both you and your opponent's life and "stamina" meters
are drained throughout the fight. At the end the fight, your character
you to a horrible, horrible finishing move that he'll perform on the
poor enemy...
- Excellent. Everything has exquisite detail and
looks just like you would imagine a dark dungeon would. The
characters are large, and well detailed during the fights
scenes, and that same attention to detail carries over to
the unbelivably graphic death sequences. |
- The music is very medieval-like(think Renaissance
Fair), and the sound effects they have used go great with
enemy deaths. The noises that come out of this game when you cut
a goblin/troll in half will gross you out, no doubt. |
- As it's in a 3/4 view mode during the gameplay,
it takes a little getting used to, but it's not bad at all.
The fight scenes
are easily controlled with your dodging, sword swipes and stabbings
coming off quickly and easily. |
- There's not really a whole lot of it. You show up, the
goblins/trolls attack you...and that's about it. |
value - Moderate. This is one of these games that,
when you've beaten it, you've really beaten it. It's worth
going through a few more times, just for the sheer thrill
of the fights and to see if you can actually get through the
game in a single life....but after that... |
for better gaming experiences:
a FAQ, you will need it at some point. Remember, this game is
about the death trap: If a question like "There's
something wet moving under the bones, do you want to uncover it
for a closer
happens to come up, don't be a moron. |
doesn't fear the Reaper, just take his hand... |
rating: 85(out of 100) - A great, learn-as-you-go game with
spectacular graphics, sound and some of the goriest death scenes you
will ever encounter. The bland AI and and lack of replay value knock
this one down a bit, but it's still one bloodbath you don't want to
miss. |
gave it: 5.0(graphics), 4.0(sound), 4.0(control), 5.0(funfactor),
5.0(challenge)(out of 5) |
Cat's review: Bleeeeehhhhhh, man this game is sick! You upper mammals
and your appetite for gore. Aside from its blatant violence, it's an alright
game that, for the most part, you'll be content with playing through once
and putting it up for a good, long while. |
wouldn't read the ruins on that medallion if I were you... |
things you can do, my God! After the head explodes, you can actually make
out the eyes and part of the brain on the floor. |
audience with the Goblin King... |
after tearing these guys apart, you can see their remains in the normal
gameplay screen. Notice the brain smear from the top of that goblin's
skull. Nasty! |
be quick:
When it was first released, the game came with a card that you
could use to order the official hint book with. More than just a hint
book, it's an actual story, told by Mordamir as he made his was through
the dungeon. It's a very well written short story and, sadly, now out
of print(without
a doubt); most people will never have the chance to read it. I got a
after I received the game on Christmas and I've yet to run into another
person who has one. For a quick picture of the hint book, click here.
Thanks to our unknown, but much appreciated "Henry" who has
HTML-ized not only The Immortal's manual, but also the "Codex of
the Serpent"
cluebook I was talking about above. To download it, click here. |