Developer: Bleem!
Size: (would have been)1 GD-Rom
per Pak
VMU: None(save feature not enabled)
No. of players: Varies, depending on game
Got it for: Free. This is a leaked beta, a buddy of mine
found and burned it for me. |

The game list on the back of the cover mockup is just a just a copy
of the first part of the Bleem 1.5(PC) compatibility list.
GT2 Bleem Pack, apparently, got thumbs up in Japan. |
May of 2000 Bleem, makers of the emulator/enhancer that ran Playstation
games on PC's(and at a better framerate and resolution than the PSX
could provide them) announced that they would be releasing a version
of their application for the Dreamcast. It was originally going to
come out in "paks" that would play 100 PSX games a piece.
Along with these paks, a "BleemPod" would also be made available
that would allow you to use your original Playstation controllers
for the games, or you could purchase one of the specially made BleemPads.
400 PSX games were originally scheduled to be supported via the paks,
but after constant legal actions from Sony and the extremely intense
beta testing for that number of games, the plan was dropped in favor
of doing "Single Game Paks". In the end, only three paks
were ever released: Gran Turismo 2, Metal Gear Solid and Tekken 3. |
What's it all about?
At its base, it's an emulator...and a beta at that. It'll allow you to play
some PSX games on your DC, complete with enhanced filtering that allows
for better looking textures, anti-aliasing and, sometimes, a higher framerate.
It also raises the resolution of PSX games up from 320X240 to a tasty 640X480.
This makes *every* PSX game look amazing, and even does a much better job
with the graphics than the PS2's "PS1 mode" can do.
You start out by popping the Bleemcast beta in your DC, wait a small bit
for it to load, then you're presented with a flashing title screen. At this
point you pop in a PSX game, cross your fingers and pray it loads. This
is where the real fun of the beta begins: Testing. For the most part, a
lot of the games simply won't boot...and those that do tend to have serious
graphical errors. There are quite a few though, that do run, and well...and
it's really something to see. It's amazing what Bleem does for PSX games.
Gameplay is heavily based on getting around the apparent lack of buttons
on the DC controller, basically just trying to get away with mapping the
most important buttons and winging it from there. For games that don't allow
for controller reconfiguration, you're pretty much stuck. The controller
map goes like this: X is Square, A is X, Y is Triangle, B is O, L1 is L
trigger, R1 is R trigger, Start is Start(duh) and there is no button for
It really is too bad that this is as far as Sony would allow Bleem to make
it, and even though there's a more complete beta out there, the chances
of ever seeing it are close to zero. Why Sony was so opposed to Bleem, whether
it be on the PC or DC, was always a mystery to me. I mean, sure, it's embarrassing
that a piece of software is running your games better than the two systems
they are meant to be played on....but at the same time, as Sony makes almost
all their money on is killing an application that encouraged
those without a PSX/PS2 to buy Sony games a bad thing? The world may never

the Bleemcast beta, I went through my *entire* PSX library(at
that time), just to see what ran and how well. Some things did
alright, some were beyond bad, some didn't load at all...for a
complete record of the odyssey, click below.
Let's roll... |

note to modem users: In order to make a fair comparison, I couldn't
drop the quality of the pics very much, thus they are still very
large in size. Normally I do try to make a "low bandwidth"
version for ya'll, but this time I just couldn't do it. Sorry. |
My rating: I can't really give this a rating as it is a beta....but
major kudos go out to the Bleem guys for even attempting this seriously
ambitious idea. From the beta, we see that Bleem had the makings of one
of the greatest emulators of all time and with just a bit more work, and
time, this could have made some serious waves in the DC pool...
In the meantime,
be sure and pick up the actual BleemPaks for Metal Gear Solid,
Tekken 3 and Gran Turismo 2 at some point(I pre-ordered, direct from Bleem,
the MGS and T3 paks and have been loving them ever since). |

Cat's review: So, let me get this straight: No save feature, you
can't use certain buttons from the PSX pad, most games won't play at all,
the ones that do have horrible glitches and you want me to give you my thoughts
on this? back to my nap... |
Bleemcast promo pics and screenshots on this page were gathered from various
sources on the net(most were actually on the Bleem site at one point and
time). |
at E3, I believe. |
what Bleem did for the PSX is amazing, Bleem was definitely guilty of
making PSX games seem worse off than they actually were(as per this shot
or Ridge Racer 4). Click here
for a slide show of various comparative shots. |
epileptic, seizure inducing title screen. This thing will fucking blind
you. It blinks on and off until the application is loaded, then blinks
faster once you pop the lid to put in a game. For the sake of the readers,
I am not going to gif-it... |
* The title screen identifies this beta as being Build 06557.
Bleem's creators confirm that it's only 30% complete, and was leaked by
an internal tester. The build date was May 2000.
* Turning the music to "Mono", or turning it off altogether
will sometimes speed things up on games that are running slow.
* Popping the DC's lid can increase game speed as well, though if you
are playing a game that reads off the CD constantly this can lead to a
lot of freeze-ups. It’s not the way to go, trust me.
* Once a game actually boots, loading can be fucked up. Sometimes everything
is just black, you have to wait 10 to 30 seconds for the title screen
to show up. Sometimes you don't get any video, and just have to wing it
by hitting the start button and praying the game actually begins.
* Some games require that you try booting them multiple times, to get
past whatever game-stopping glitch Bleem gets hit by. It's weird, during
my testing, I've had groups of four of five games simply refuse to boot...then
I'll pop in one I know boots, then try the others again...and they'll
boot. I have no idea how to explain why that happens, nor why it sometimes
takes two or three tries to get certain games to boot at all.
* For some reason, almost every racing game seems to do really well via
* According to the Bleem creators, the latest beta cannot be released
due to legal consequences. For more on the creators' thoughts, and other
info on the Bleemcast beta try the DC
Emulation forum thread that was posted, or click here for an abridged
Full motion video *will not* play via Bleemcast. What you get is a seriously
fucked up looking picture, kind of like what a corrupted mpeg looks like.
* Bleemcast sucks ass at 2D games. The sprites seem to animate at two
to three times their normal speed and this causes all sorts of goofy graphical
errors. Most times, it looks like trying to play an old NES game that
just has filthy contacts(I think we all remember those fun days of "blowing"
on the contacts, trying to get the game to work right). Past that, 2D
bitmaps have weird lines going through them/coming off them.
* There's rumored to be a "hacked" version of the original Bleemcast
Packs(GT2, Tekken 3, MGS) that actually allows for other PSX games to
play perfectly on them. This is a flat-out lie.
* Rumor has it that there were five Bleemcast beta discs, all color-coded
that went with specific colored DC's for testing. No matter what you may
read around the net, all of the colors are the same versions of the beta.
* It is said that there's a more complete beta of Bleemcast, that's 70%,
or more, completed.
* Speech bits on most PSX games via Bleemcast get cut off about halfway
through their play. I believe this to be because of the accelerated speed
most PSX games run at when played through Bleemcast.
* In order to avoid a full system reboot, simply pop the lid when you're
done with a game then perform a soft reset(A+B+X+Y+Start) to get back
to the Bleemcast boot screen.
* Though there's no way to map all of the PSX's controller buttons onto
the DC's controllers, you can try mapping just the few you'll need onto
specific buttons(assuming the game will allow for controller reconfiguration).
Though the Bleemcast beta has the code to support the extra buttons, most
controller converters that allow you to use PSX pads simply won't work,
but there is one hope: The Skillz DreamConnection 4-in-1, with a PSX pad
connected, is actually said to work with the Bleemcast beta and enable
the use of all buttons except for R3, L3 and the analog pads. Special
thanks go out to RGVS's own SewerFiss for this information. It's also
been said that pads by "Joytech" that have 9 buttons will also
work...(Z and C act as L2 and R2)
Sony got done fucking Bleem out of existence, this final shot was posted
on the Bleem website. |