AY4T-BA2A - Start with 6 players
2. A24T-BA2A - Start with 7 players
3. A64T-BA2A - Start with 8 players
4. ALCA-AA5T - Infinite players for both sides
5. AB2A-BE88 - Infinite time
6. AK2A-BE88 - Time goes by 2x as fast
7. AV2A-BE88 - Time goes by 4x as fast
8. ATZA-AAE4 - Start with 0 credits
9. ATZA-ALE4 - Start with 5 credits
10. ATZA-ARE4 - Start with 7 credits
11. ATZA-AWE4 - Start with 9 credits
12. ALCA-AA8W - Infinite credits
13. P2TA-BE1J - Start on Stage 2
14. P2TA-BJ1J - Start on Stage 3
15. P2TA-BN1J - Start on Stage 4
16. P2TA-BT1J - Start on Stage 5
17. P2TA-BY1J - Start on Stage 6
18. P2TA-B21J - Start on Stage 7
19. P2TA-B61J - Start on Stage 8
20. P2TA-BA1J - Start on Stage 9