Spider-Man & Venom: Separation Anxiety Game Genie Codes
Click above for the Separation Anxiety Quick Review
1. AG9T-EAB0 - Start with 1 life
2. A09T-EAB0 - Start with 5 lives
3. BG9T-EAB0 - Start with 9 lives
4. GL9T-EAB0 - Start with 50 lives
5. ABET-EAD2 - Infinite lives
6. B4LA-CACR - Start with 1/4 energy on 1st life
7. DCLA-CACR - Start with 1/2 energy on 1st life
8. ELLA-CACR - Start with 3/4 energy on 1st life
9. R5CT-DBXL - Almost infinite energy
10. RG1A-C60E + RG1A C60G - 1 hit kills most enemies