Mazin Saga Mutant Fighter Game Genie Codes

1. AV8A-CA7Y - Infinite chances

2. AFFT-AAD6 - Start with 1 chance

3. BKFT-AAD6 - Start with 10 chances

4. NPFT-AAD6 - Start with 99 chances, ignore counter

5. AJ9T-CA5Y - Infinite continues

6. ABFT-AAD0 - Start with 0 continues

7. AFFT-AAD0 - Start with 1 continue

8. BKFT-AAD0 - Start with 10 continues

9. NPFT-AAD0 - Start with 99 continues, ignore counter

Life values above 100% may be displayed weirdly
10. 3B1T-CAAJ - Start with life at 200%

11. W31T-CAAJ - Start with life at 150%

12. KP1T-CAAJ - Start with life at 75%

13. GK1T-CAAJ - Start with life at 50%

14. DF1T-CAAJ - Start with life at 25%

15. AAMA-CAG6 - Life Chakra worth 0% extra life

16. BJMA-CAG6 - Life Chakra worth 10% extra life

17. GJMA-CAG6 - Life Chakra worth 50% extra life

18. NTMA-CAG6 - Life Chakra worth 100% extra life

19. BV5T-CA32 - Special attack uses no life

20. A35T-CA32 - Special attack is fatal if your life meter is low

21. AJHT-AA7R - Start on Round 1-2(level 2)

22. SAHT-BEZR - Start on Round 1-3(level 3)

23. SAHT-BJZR - Start on Round 1-Boss(level 4)

24. SAHT-BNZR - Start on Round 2-1(level 5)

25. SAHT-BTZR - Start on Round 2-2(level 6)

26. SAHT-BYZR - Start on Round 2-3(level 7)

27. SAHT-B2ZR - Start on Round 2-Boss(level 8)

28. SAHT-B6ZR - Start on Round 3-1(level 9)

29. SAHT-BAZR - Start on Round 3-2(level 10)

30. SAHT-BJ02 - Play every 2nd level

31. SAHT-BN02 - Play every 3rd level

32. SAHT-BT02 - Play every 4th level

33. SAHT-BY02 - Play every 5th level

34. SAHT-B202 - Play every 6th level

35. SAHT-B602 - Play every 7th level

Invincibility and invisibility codes may not work well if combined
36. AV6A-CA2G - Some soldiers can't hurt you

37. AK6A-CA5E - Other soldiers and mini-boss cannot hurt you

38. AK2A-CA7C - Invincible, except against superboss

39. AB1T-CABC - Not invincible when first put on screen

40. AB8A-CAFA - Not invincible after a knockdown

41. AAMT-CAAE - No invincibility icon

42. FTMT-CCAE - Invincibility icon lasts about 1/2x normal

43. 0AMT-CJAE - Invincibility icon lasts 2x about normal

44. 1AMT-C0AE - Invincibility icon lasts 5x about normal

45. RAMT-DRAE - Invincibility icon lasts 10x about normal

46. Z32A-CTFR - You don't flicker while invincible

47. 732A-CTF0 - You're invisible

48. Z32A-CTFR + 732A-CTF0 - You're invisible and flicker while invincible

49. RHAT-C6ZG - One hit kills mini-boss

50. ACNA-CA88 - One hit kills superboss

51. A4HA-CA2C - Invincible against superboss

- Infinite chances, Invincible except against superboss, One hit kills superboss.
Click the above picture for a scan of the codes. Note: These codes may or may not be the same as those listed above.