BJ6A-ACD6 - Rounds are 1 minute
2. BJ6A-AED6 - Rounds are 2 minutes
3. BJ6A-AJD6 - Rounds are 4 minutes
4. BJ6A-AND6 - Rounds are 6 minutes
5. BJ6A-AWD6 - Rounds are 9 minutes
6. CTXT-AA46 - Rounds are infinitely long, must win by knockout
7. AJ4T-AA2A - Infinite rounds, must win by knockout
8. RH7A-A6YA - Set attributes to whatever you want when creating a new
9. RH9A-A6TE - Attributes aren't reduced after a fight
10. RH9T-A6VN + BM9T-AA9W - Pick as many training items as you want
1. Rounds
are 1, 2, 9 minutes long, Freeze timer, Infinite rounds, Create
a new boxer with whatever attributes you want, Attributes
aren't reduced after fight.
2. Infinite power, speed, stamina. |
the above numbers for a scan of the codes. Note: These codes may or may
not be the same as those listed above. |