Battletoads Game Genie Codes

1. C3BT-AA5A - Infinite lives

2. AABT-BA7R + ABPA-EAH6 - Player 1 starts with 1 life

3. AJBT-BA7R + AKPA-EAH6 - Player 1 starts with 3 lives

4. ATBT-BA7R + AVPA-EAH6 - Player 1 starts with 5 lives

5. BEBT-BA7R + B1PA-EAH6 - Player 1 starts with 10 lives

6. CNBT-BA7R + CPPA-EAH6 - Player 1 starts with 20 lives

7. AABT-BA7R + ABPA-EAH6 + ABPT-EABG - Both players start with 1 life

8. AJBT-BA7R + AKPA-EAH6 + ABPT-EABG - Both players start with 3 lives

9. ATBT-BA7R + AVPA-EAH6 + ABPT-EABG - Both players start with 5 lives

10. BEBT-BA7R + B1PA-EAH6 + ABPT-EABG - Both players start with 10 lives

11. CNBT-BA7R + CPPA-EAH6 + ABPT-EABG - Both players start with 20 lives

12. PT7T-AA54 + CKHA-AA5J - Take less damage

13. APBT-AAD4 + AN0T-AAAL - Start with 1 energy block

14. BPBT-AAD4 + BN0T-AAAL - Start with 3 energy blocks

15. CPBT-AAD4 + CN0T-AAAL - Start with 5 energy blocks

With codes 16 through 18, you may need to switch off to go on
16. AA5T-B92Y - Extremely bogus jump

17. AA5T-B72Y - Mildly bogus jump

18. AA5T-B52Y - Bogus jump

Codes 19 through 21 don't work on all levels
19. AA5T-BZ2Y - Higher jump

20. AA5T-BV2Y - Super jump

21. AA5T-BK2Y - Mega-jump

22. AJZT-AAC4 - Start on level 2

23. ANZT-AAC4 - Start on level 3

24. ATZT-AAC4 - Start on level 4

25. AYZT-AAC4 - Start on level 5

26. A2ZT-AAC4 - Start on level 6

27. A6ZT-AAC4 - Start on level 7

28. BAZT-AAC4 - Start on level 8

29. BEZT-AAC4 - Start on level 9

30. BJZT-AAC4 - Start on level 10

31. BNZT-AAC4 - Start on level 11

32. BTZT-AAC4 - Start on level 12

33. BYZT-AAC4 - Start on level 13

1, 2
1. Infinite lives, Start on level 13.

2. Infinite lives, Start on level 13.
Click the above numbers for a scan of the codes. Note: These codes may or may not be the same as those listed above.