7ae 12b 2A9 - All Power Rangers start with 12 energy
2. afe 12b 2A9 - All Power Rangers start with 34 energy
3. 45e 12b 2A9 - All Power Rangers start with 14 energy
4. 212 d5e 91d - Only throws do damage
5. 3a3 aea 2a2 - Don't get any energy from defeating an opponent
6. 3e3 a2a 082 + 003 a4a c49 + ff3 a3a 916 - Get max energy from defeating
an opponent
7. 25d d95 f7e - Grey Putty is harder to kill
8. 10e 155 2a9 - Goldar is easier to kill
9. 20e 245 c42 - Green Putty is harder to kill
10. 3ee 9eb 193 + 02e 9fb 6e6 - After defeating some enemies you fight
other Power Rangers, may cause slight graphic errors
11. 3e9 e6a 082 + 009 e7a e6a + 009 e8a c49 - Always fight on the Park
12. 3e9 e6a 082 + 019 e7a e6a + 009 e8a c49 - Always fight on the Mountain
13. 3e9 e6a 082 + 029 e7a e6a + 009 e8a c49 - Always fight on the Alley
14. 3e9 e6a 082 + 039 e7a e6a + 009 e8a c49 - Always fight on the City
15. 3e9 e6a 082 + 039 e7a e6a + 009 e8a c49 - Always fight on the Construction
16. 3e9 e6a 082 + 059 e7a e6a + 009 e8a c49 - Always fight on the Refinery